Provide pain management
This unit of competency involves the skills and knowledge required to administer restricted analgesics to provide pain management as part of a medically supervised first responder organisation. It includes identifying the need for analgesia; accessing, preparing and administering restricted pain relief such as analgesics and aspirin according to medically endorsed protocols; performing casualty handovers and completing analgesic use requirements.
Provide pain management
previously PUAEME005

The unit is applicable for personnel from emergency services, volunteer organisations or organisations that provide a medically supervised first aid service. Licensing requirements for the storage and administration of drugs may apply.
Delivery Format

Face-to Face
5 hours
covering both
theory and practical
Upcoming Courses
The course comprises practical training plus face-to-face training hours.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid is a pre-requisite for this course. Students must be at least 14 years of age at the time of attendance.​
Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable casual clothing, as the practical nature of the demonstrations and practice may possibly require bending, kneeling and lying on the floor. Pants and flat shoes are recommended.
Learn more about the Australian Government’s competency and assessment requirements for this course at http://training.gov.au/training/details/PUAEME008
The PUAEME008 Provide pain management is valid for 12 months.